About E Collar Technologies - Educator Collars

E-collar Technologies is "Top Dog" in the electric training collar industry, and it shows. With more than 100 years of cumulative experience in designing and creating some of the most advanced e-collars available to consumers, it's no wonder Educator Collars (formerly Einstein Collars) are consistently rated as top of the line in training collars. A strong commitment to innovation and a fierce dedication to the continuous improvement of their remote dog training systems enables E-Collar Technologies to provide dog owners and professional trainers with the most advanced and reliable, USA-manufactured remote training systems for dogs in the world – Educator Collars.

Made in the USA

E-Collar Technologies is the only dog training shock collar manufacturer that is based in the United States. All of their products are skillfully manufactured and thoroughly tested in the United States, and they comply with the highest US quality control standards. A lifetime warranty and competitive pricing makes Educator collars an excellent value for dog owners and trainers alike, and since each device is American made, consumers can rest assured that they will receive high quality products that are second to none.

What Consumers Should Know About E-Collar Technologies and Advanced Technology for Humane, Stress-Free Dog Training with Superior Results

Advances in technology have enabled E-Collar Technologies to provide dog owners and professional trainers with the peace of mind in knowing that their dogs are being trained with the most humane shock collar training equipment available. All Educator training systems are designed to provide dogs with a "blunt" (wide pulse) stimulation in place of the "sharp pulse" stimulation offered by many other brands. The "blunt" stimulation provides a much cleaner, gentler correction which is significantly less stressful for dogs, yet still effective enough to encourage dogs of all sizes and temperaments to comply.

Additionally, E-Collar Technologies’ wide-pulse stimulation technology is paired with the most reliable, fastest wireless link in the industry to ensure that the training collar responds instantly, each and every time. With innovative technologies that provide a more humane design while still providing superior results, Educator remote collars are the most efficient dog training systems on the market.

Advanced Features Enable Fine-Tuning to Meet the Specific Needs of Any Dog

The innovative design of Educator dog training systems enables consumers to "fine-tune" the level of stimulation that is most effective for their pets. With proper use of an Educator brand collar, the only "true" stimulation remote dog trainer on the market, consumers can keep their dogs safe and obedient without ever having to worry about causing undue stress to their dogs.

  • Advanced COS (Control of Stimulation) Feature: The COS feature enables dog owners and trainers to select the exact level of static correction that is best for their pets. With 100 levels of correction, Educator collars are safe and effective for dogs with mild-mannered to stubborn temperaments. Two dog systems are equipped with dual controls, as well, which enable the trainer to select static correction levels specifically for each dog. Due to this COS feature, dogs who are properly trained with Educator brand collars rarely experience over stimulation.
  • Patented “Lock and Set” Feature: An Educator Collar exclusive, the patented "Lock and Set" feature enables the trainer to lock the level of stimulation in place so that there is no risk of accidentally overstimulating the dog. This feature is especially important for those who are training two dogs at once with a two dog system, since each collar can be locked to the level specific for each dog.
  • Adjustable Stimulation Boost Feature: Educator collars feature a convenient "boost" button that is completely adjustable from 0 to 60. This feature allows the trainer to send an extra "boost" of stimulation to get the dog's attention when experiencing highly distracting situations, or in the case of an emergency.
  • The Fastest, Most Reliable Wireless Link on the Market: Timing is everything!With the fasted, most reliable wireless link on the market, you can rest assured that the response of your system is immediate. The very moment that you press a button on the remote control transmitter, a signal is sent directly to the collar, applying a correction to your pet in the form of either a vibration, tone or static stimulation. Educator remote training collars definitely have an edge over many of the less expensive competitors on the market whose transmit times are far less responsive.
  • The Most Humane and Gentle E-Collar Money Can Buy: Educator remote training collars are absolutely the safest electric collars that money can buy. Innovative technology has enabled Educator Collars to offer a (patent pending)"wide pulse" stimulation, which is much more gentle and less stressful for your pet than the "sharp" stimulation offered by other brands. That “sharp” stimulation frequently causes fear, head jerking and sometimes even aggression. This technology actually enables a more even stimulation of the muscles of your pet, instead of stimulating the neurological system, which makes training sessions much more pleasurable for both you and your dog. This is the same technology that is commonly used for equipment at chiropractors’offices and in physical therapy as well as for muscle toning machines for humans.
  • Night Blue LCD Display: All Educator products employ the use of a night blue LCD display to ensure that the trainer has the ability to monitor the level of stimulation day or night, regardless of the lighting conditions.
  • Night Tracking Light: Educator dog training devices feature a night tracking light to keep dogs safe in unlit areas. The tracking light is controlled remotely by the handheld transmitter, so the trainer has the ability to turn it on or off at will. This safety feature is especially helpful when walking your dog(s) off leash at night.
  • Floating Remote Transmitter: All Educator training systems are designed to be completely waterproof and submersible up to 500 feet, so trainers can feel comfortable training their dogs in water or wet weather conditions. The remote transmitters are designed to float freely on top of the water as well, so dog owners never have to fear losing them in a lake.
  • Warning Feature:  Educator dog training systems are all equipped with a warning feature (tone only or vibration only) that enables the dog owner or trainer to provide a warning signal to the dog before initiating static stimulation. This warning feature is an exceptional option, because when a warning signal is followed by static stimulation, dogs learn very quickly to heed the warning signal, knowing what to expect if they don't. Since there is such an abundance of "tone making" equipment that surrounds dogs throughout their day (cell phone alerts, car doors, etc.), tones can often become confusing to dogs, so the vibration feature is typically preferable for companion pets. Additionally, "vibration only" mode can be an excellent tool when training dogs who are deaf.

Educator Collar Models Available

At this time, there are 23 different models of Educator dog training collars. Although all Educator collars are equipped with the above features, the various models offer a few slight differences.

  • Transmit Range: Educator collars are available in a variety of ranges, so whether consumers are training their dogs in smaller areas or they have a bit more room to roam, there is a training collar system to meet their needs. Systems are offered in ½ mile, ¾ mile, 1 mile transmit ranges.
  • Collar Output: There are two levels of output available for Educator collars. A low to medium power level is available for small dogs, or those who are mild-mannered to average, and a higher power level is available for larger breeds, or those with a more stubborn temperament.
  • Vibration & Tone:  "TS" models are equipped with a "tapping sensation" also referred to as a "vibration only" mode, while "A" models incorporate the "tone" feature.

Extreme Durability

All Educator dog training systems by E-Collar Technologies comply with the highest US quality standards and are tested to withstand the most extreme environmental conditions. With E-Collar Technologies’ advanced packaging technology, their products, including the collar receiver and remote transmitter, are designed to be completely waterproof and are submersible up to 500 ft below sea level. Made from the highest quality materials, a heavy duty Biothane™ strap, and able to withstand a 5000 G force, these collars are the toughest in the world!

Competitive Pricing with the Best Warranty in the Industry

Consumers can purchase these top quality, American made Educator dog collar training systems that comply with the highest US quality control standards for approximately the same price that they would pay for much lower quality, less reliable Asian-built, imported models. In addition to receiving a top quality product at an exceptional price, E-Collar Technologies’ products are equipped with the latest technologies, advanced features, a 60 day satisfaction guarantee, a two-year parts and labor warranty that covers parts, labor and even the batteries, and the industry’s best, lifetime limited warranty.

What is it About E-Technologies Educator Collars that Makes Them Different from Other Brands?

A strong dedication to service and a commitment to providing dog owners and professional trainers all over the world with the highest quality, most innovative products sets Educator Collars apart from the rest. Advances in technology and E-Collar Technologies exclusive features make Educator brand collars the safest, most humane dog training systems available. No other electric dog collar training system in the world combines the COS feature with the exclusive "Lock and Set" feature, "booster" mode, and "blunt" stimulation, making E-Collar Technologies Educator Collars truly one of a kind.

Additionally, these collars are designed to promote compliance through stimulation of the muscle rather than through the nervous system of the dog. With stimulation that is similar to the technology utilized by a medical device (the muscle stimulator), Educator training collars leave no marks, cause no pain, and the "blunt" stimulation eliminates head jerks and fear, making the training experience more pleasurable for both the trainer and the pet.